Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Goals

It's Monday again and that means that it's time to assess last weeks goals and set new goals for this week.

Last week my goals were:
1. Eat a home cooked dinner 4 to 5 times
2. Exercise 5 to 6 times this week.
3. Lose 2lbs this week
4. Eat between 1200 - 1400 calories a day.

I achieved my first goal by eating exactly 4 home cooked dinner last week. I cooked chicken with rice, salmon with rice and pork chops with rice. I think I eat too much rice, so this week I'll have to add in more vegetables. In addition to having 4 home cooked dinners I also had leftovers which I had for lunch several times last week. I also accomplished my second goal of exercising 5 to 6 times that week by doing 5 workouts last week. I think I really benefitted from having this goal. As I said in my blog last week, there were a few days where I didn't want to go to the gym. But since I knew that I had set this goal and posted in my blog I felt obligated to go.
As for my third goal of losing 2lbs, the weigh-in isn't until tomorrow. So I'll let you know how I did. From my calculations of calories in - calories out, I believe I should achieve that goal.
Lastly was my goal of eating between 1200-1400 calories a day. There was only on day last week where I actually stuck to that plan. However it wasn't as if I grossly over eating. On average I was only 100 calories over my goal. If I spend a little extra time planning my meals the day before, I believe I will be able to achieve that goal. With that being said, here are my goals for this week:

1. Eat between 1200-1400 calories
2. Exercise 5-6 times a week
3. Try 2 new workouts
4. Eat a home cooked dinner at least 4 times

Daily Journal:
Today I ate about 1500 calories. I didn't exercise today. Instead I decided to give my sore legs a rest after yesterday's hike.

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